I've been having dreams that are very vivid lately. I know lots of people interpret dreams and find meanings and answers in them. Maybe dreams are gods answers to my questions? I don't know but these dreams are so relevant and so real I've taken to trying to interpret them myself.
So here's the latest series: A boy I have a crush on is in them.(I know, I know, I'm a 43 year old woman and 'the boy' is a 51 year old man but in regards to relationships I feel like a teenager!!) He's on a ferry and I'm on the wharf trying to tell him something but he can't hear me. I keep trying to tell him something (maybe that I like him!!) but he just can't hear. Last night in this dream he actually jumped off the ferry and swam over to me. Oh bliss, he swam over to me!!
Now that series of dreams is pretty easy to interpret, the problem lies in me trying to tell 'the boy' that I like him in real life. "Easy, just do it!" you may say but my fearful little heart is finding it impossible. So I've written him a letter........but I haven't sent it. It's not that I don't want to it's just the fear of his response is overwhelming.
Herein lies the problem: I don't tell him and I don't send the letter and he drifts away on his ferry and stops at another wharf (the horror!!) or
I either tell him or send the letter and he rejects me or (dream comes true) swims towards me.
Oh the pain and suffering I can inflict upon myself!!!! Option 3 is put my head in the sand, keep doing my artwork and pretend I don't care.
I need some serious help!!