It's nearly spring and I've lost the winter. New job, child in pain, some heavy therapy and not much art being done. Some sewing - I'm obsessed with clothes at the moment. I haven't had much time in the last 15 years to look after myself and my appearance and over the winter I've gone crazy re-inventing myself as a softer more feminine version of me. Suddenly my wardrobe is full of dresses and skirts and high heel shoes. The first time I have had these items in my wardrobe in all my 44 years. I'm liking it too. I made a commitment to dress this way and have kept it up for a few months. Now I actually feel more comfortable in these clothes than my jeans and t-shirts.
Who knows maybe spring will bring with it more than flowers in the garden. I'm getting myself ready to allow some love into my life, a hard thing to do after rejecting it for so long but I hope all the work I'm doing will pay off and I'll find the love I want and need.
My friends have been great over the last few weeks, supportive and caring and loving. I am lucky to have so much friendship and the love that comes with it but I'm ready for a special man to stand beside me. So I'm sending my wish out to the universe xxxxxxxxxxx

Here is a picture of my poor child starting a journey of her own. Her pain is almost unbearable and her neediness is almost overwhelming but the steps had to be taken. Luckily she is strong and independent enough for this to scar her only physically. The hard work I've done with her has certainly paid off - my turn now!!!